47 hack event(s)
Description of the event: THORChain (RUNE), a decentralized cross-chain transaction protocol, claims that hackers airdrop UniH tokens to Ethereum addresses as bait to steal RUNE tokens in users' wallets. Hackers have airdropped UniH tokens with malicious contracts to at least 76,000 Ethereum addresses. Once receiving users sell their newly received UniH tokens (or even just approve the sale) on decentralized trading platforms such as Uniswap, the hackers will They can steal any RUNE tokens they have in their wallets. This is because the RUNE token uses a non-standard token contract called "tx.origin". According to Thorchain’s RUNE token contract code “Beware of phishing contracts that may steal tokens by intercepting tx.origin”, it knows that this type of attack may occur. In just a few hours, hackers have stolen USD 76,000 worth of tokens. currency.
Amount of loss: $ 76,000 Attack method: Phishing attack
Description of the event: THORChain (RUNE), a decentralized cross-chain transaction protocol, said it was attacked again, and many ERC20 tokens including XRUNE were affected. This attack targeted ETH routing and lost 8 million U.S. dollars. The attacker "intentionally limited the impact of the attack, which seems to be done by a white hat."
Amount of loss: $ 8,000,000 Attack method: Logic Vulnerability
Description of the event: The decentralized cross-chain transaction protocol THORChain (RUNE) updated the attack situation, claiming that the amount of lost assets was about 4000 ETH. The initial assessment is that the attack was a logical vulnerability when Eth Bifrost used the routing contract to capture ERC-20 tokens. The attacker use. Not long ago, THORChain updated Eth Bifrost to allow the routing contract to be "encapsulated" by the contract. The attacker uses this to send a transaction with msg.value = 200 ETH and immediately uses the contract to transfer it back to itself, while Bifrost will report msg. value = 200 instead of depositAmount = 0, so as to realize the profit of calling the routing contract with the amount of 0 ETH.
Amount of loss: $ 7,600,000 Attack method: False top-up
Description of the event: The cross-chain bridge project Multichain issued an announcement stating that the newly launched V3 cross-chain liquidity pool was hacked in the early hours of yesterday, with a total loss of 2.39 million USDC and 5.5 million MIM. According to Etherscan, the hacker has sold all MIMs and obtained 548 Million DAI, which means that Multichain's total loss is more than 7.87 million U.S. dollars. According to the explanation of the reason for the theft in the Multichain announcement, two v3 router transactions were detected under the V3 router MPC account on the BSC. These two transactions have the same R value signature, and the hacker reversed the private key of this MPC account. At present, the team has fixed the code to avoid using the same R signature. Multi-chain router V3 will restart in about 48 hours. There is no security risk for v1 and v2. Multichain stated that it has taken remedial measures to provide full compensation. Multichain will refill the stolen liquidity within 48 hours, and the liquidity provider will be able to withdraw assets from the fund pool again without any loss.
Amount of loss: $ 7,870,000 Attack method: Contract Vulnerability
Description of the event: The cross-chain bridge Chainswap announced the details of the stolen incident on its official blog. A total of 20 project assets were stolen, with a total value of approximately US$4 million. At present, the ChainSwap team has reached a consensus with the affected projects and initially formulated and implemented a compensation plan. According to the project investigation, due to the error in the token cross-chain quota code, the on-chain swap bridge quota is automatically increased by the signature node, the purpose of which is to be more decentralized without manual control. However, due to a logical flaw in the code, this led to a vulnerability that automatically increases the number of invalid addresses that are not whitelisted.
Amount of loss: $ 4,000,000 Attack method: Contract Vulnerability
Description of the event: The cross-chain asset bridge Chainswap announced the details of the hacking incident today, saying that at 04:30 AM UTC on July 2nd, they noticed an abnormality on the cross-chain bridge. Some users reported that their tokens were actively removed from wallets interacting with ChainSwap. After it was taken out, the ChainSwap team immediately froze the cross-chain bridge, shut down all nodes, and deployed the fix within 30 minutes. The team of the affected project received an alert. According to the announcement, the stolen assets include 32237576.17 TSHP, 80052.82027 CORRA, 643405.7157 BLANK, 2922720 RAI, 19392.27712 ROOM, 4820309.98 DEXT, 210,108.22 UMB, 55476328.8 FAIR. Chainswap stated that after negotiating with hackers, it has recovered some of the CORRA and RAI tokens, and the total loss is estimated to be 800,000 US dollars. At present, a small amount of affected tokens have been repurchased from the market and returned to the contract wallet. The rest will be fully paid by Chainswap Vault Compensation. In addition, Chainswap will also issue compensation to affected users.
Amount of loss: $ 800,000 Attack method: Contract Vulnerability
Description of the event: THORChain, a decentralized cross-chain transaction protocol, tweeted that a malicious attack against THORChain was discovered. THORChain nodes have responded and isolated defenses. The capital loss caused by this attack was US$140,000, but THORChain stated that user funds will not be affected. The fund pool will be used to make up for the leaked funds. The team stated that the path of the attack was that EthBifrost had a logical error in processing the same symbol as ETH. THORChain claimed that it repaired Bifrost within 30 minutes and adopted node defense to stop Bifrost and THORNode. The team said it will also invest funds for ongoing code reviews and monitoring.
Amount of loss: $ 140,000 Attack method: False top-up